WELCOME TO The Brokest Guy In The Room.

One of the most universally agreed-on principles of humanity is that hindsight is 20/20. If this is true, then it must also be true that the signs were there for us to see all along. The intention of The Brokest Guy In The Room #BGIR is to build awareness of this concept. It is to highlight the idea that the resources we need to reach our goals are right within reach; we need only recognize and capitalize on them. Being the Brokest Guy In the Room isn't about being broke or broken, but rather, being surrounded by things and people that make us greater. In my life, I was able to grow from a person who would have traded lives with anyone, to one who wouldn't trade lives with anyone. #BGIR is for anyone seeking the path to transformation. It all starts with building awareness. Let's take the journey together!